Kamis, 12 April 2012

Samsung Galaxy Player, an iPod Competitor

Samsung seems to really compete with Apple in all types of products, including multimedia player device. Apple with iPod Touch, Samsung with its Galaxy Player.

As we know the Galaxy series from Samsung is always with Android operating system, as well as the Galaxy Player. Although not a smart phone and just only a multimedia player device, Galaxy Player still powered by Android version 2.3 (Gingerbread). So you can use it for gaming or take picture and enjoy Android in a player device, but it does not have a data connection so you can only access the Internet using WiFi when there around you.

On the official Samsung website shows headline Galaxy Player 4.0 (YP-G1CWY) and Galaxy Player 5.0 (YP-G70C). Both were officially on sale at a price of $229.99 for the 4.0 version and $269.99 for Galay Player 5.0.
For see more features and specification see official Samsung website : Galaxy Player 5.0 ; Galaxy Player 4.0

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