Minggu, 29 April 2012

Design of first Google Phone Prototype

Before Android operating system created, Google has dreamed of having his own cell phone. In 2006, Google has designed a phone that was similar to BlackBerry smartphones made ​​by Research In Motion (RIM). In the case of law action Oracle to Google relating to use license Application Programming Interface-API Java, Google has submitted documents to the court, one of which contain is first Google phone prototype.

Google Phone
That time Google wants to make a phone with an open source operating system. The keyboard is designed with the Qwerty layout. Buttons are made form convex roundly. Google invited U.S. mobile operator, T-Mobile, to provide internet service unlimited data, so Google's service like GMail and Google Map can be accessed from this mobile phone.

Google's phone is planned powered with an ARM processor with a clock speed of 200MHz, 64MB RAM, Bluetooth, QVGA display 16-bit clolor, and 2MP camera. However, the plan released Google's phone never realized. Finally Mobile phones with Google's Android operating system was first adopted by Taiwanese vendor, HTC on October 22, 2008, at a price of 179 dollars.

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