Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

Sega Create Urine Power Game

A new video game system from Sega innovating a gaming experience in the bathroom. Named Toylet, this game systems installed on urinal that is powered using urine. Using a traditional controller, this game system has a sensor that measures the volume and pressure involved in your urine stream. Urine flow is used to control the game.

Reported by Mashable, Tuesday (05/01/2012), this game is running less than a minute and displayed in screen at eye level. The game is not specifically targeted to children. In which consists of several things, such as filling coffee cans or animation winds to skirt a reporter.

The system can only be used in urinals. Equipment to implement it revolves around the price of 140 thousand yen (USD1.750), with individual games for $ 10 thousand yen (USD125). The cost for the this game system does not include the price of urinal.

At first Sega tested this game system in Tokyo last winter. They gained positive responses, so decided to market this game system to all countries. According to Sega, people who using Toylet tend to be more cleanly during bowel movements.

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